Intuitive Eating- A series: Part 4: Principle 3- Make Peace with Food
Intuitive Eating- A series: Part 3: Honour your Hunger
Intuitive Eating- A series: Part 2: Ditching the Diet Mentality
Intuitive Eating- A series: Part 1: Intro and Why
The Year I laid on the Floor
Why I am choosing Self-Compassion over Productivity
another circle around the sun the word...
A look back at my learning and unlearning in the 2010’s
Building a HAES® Community
#wakeupweightwatchers AGAIN?!?!
What is Nourishing you??
Do you like what you are eating?
Having tough conversations.
EDAW 2019- A reminder ED's come in all sizes
Diet Resolutions can effect your kids
Chronic Illnesses do not take Holidays
Set your thermostat....
My body attacks its self but I refuse to attack my body
Lori Short-Zamudiohealth at every size, HAES, weight stigma, fat phobia, chronic disease, intuitive eating, non diet, dietitian, registered dietitian, vulnerability, shame, joy
Super Proud Non-Diet Dietitian...